Getting Started with Better Families is Easy – Check it Out

Better Families is a Miami Tae Kwon Do school that has been around for many years. There are both old and new students every week. Getting started with Better Families is easy if one wants to become a student. All people are welcome whether you have a 4 year old or you’re an elder. Anyone that is physically able and desires to become a student are welcome to join us. It’s very easy, simply walk in or call to make an appointment. Introductory class is offered upon the first meeting with the Miami Tae Kwon Do school.

This class gives you an overall understanding of what Better Families and Tae Kwon Do is all about. Core principles and fundamental techniques are taught to you. Two important things to understand are the emphasis on respect and self-discipline. Respect should be given to everyone from your peers, elders and family members. There should be a different level of respect for elders, especially if they are your parents or teachers. Self-discipline is all about doing the right thing on your own without having to be asked. Children should learn to be able to do their homework and get ready for school without being reminded to. Students from Better Families take action to make things happen on their own.

Any questions you may have about the Miami Tae Kwon Do school can be answered by the instructor running the class. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about Better Families, Tae Kwon Do or even martial arts in general. Our school is about students and their families bettering their lives. Students can look to improve in the dojo, classroom, socially with friends and in the household. New students are welcome to watch or jump in during a beginner class. People who decide to join immediately receive and white belt and uniform.


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