Miami Tae Kwon Do Better Families hopes everyone enjoyed their weekend. St. Patty’s Day must have made this weekend a fun one for friends and family. There is nothing more entertaining than watching both Miami Heat and Miami Hurricanes doing so well. Better Families is a huge supporter of local sports, especially the University of Miami as the Miami Tae Kwon Do school resides in Coral Gables. Today the Tae Kwon Do school will be giving a brief overview of Better Families instructors. Tae Kwon Do instructors consist of Grand Master Diego Perez,
Master Mary Beth Klock-Perez, Master Karen Klock-Perez and Mr. Liduan Mendez. These instructors have had many years of experience in martial arts and teaching it to others. Master Mary Beth Klock-Perez is the founder and director of Better Families as she opened the school over 20 years ago. She is a 5th degree black belt in the Jhoon Rhee who brought Tae Kwon Do from Korea to the United States. Shortly after Grand Master Diego Perez joined as they both taught the school for years before receiving help with other instructors. Grand Master is a well-accomplished martial artist who continues to grow his name and reputation.
Diego Perez is an 8th degree black belt as he is the highest ranked martial artist of the school. Daughter of Diego and Mary Beth is Master Karen Klock-Perez. Karen was raised in a martial arts school, as Tae Kwon Do has been her entire life. Karen is a very highly skilled, knowledge, talented and energetic instructor who is currently the heat instructor. Mr. Liduan Mendez is another talent instructor that many students look up to as a mentor. Liduan is a 3rd degree black belt who is well known for his success as a student athlete, martial artists, instructor and overall role model. All instructors at Better Families are well-accomplished martial artists with the ability to teach others.