Visit Our Student Area on

Better Families has been making a strong push in the online world. Miami Tae Kwon Do school is updating their site and social media for students and their families. Website provides a number of sections to learn more about the Tae Kwon Do school. One of the sections on includes the student area. This page provides a formal introduction to new students from both Master and Grand Master Perez. We want to welcome you both in person and online to our website.

Student area page gives you can overview regarding everything you will gain from training. Students will be able to enjoy life to the fullest with a greater sense of confidence, fitness, self-defense skills and self-discipline. Miami Tae Kwon Do students are encourages remaining focused and having a set of goals to accomplish. These students will become faster, stronger, agile and more flexible. Stamina will be gained, as students of Better Families become great athletes. Having a lot of energy, stamina and confidence creates a positive attitude. Positive attitude creates an outlook that makes life easier and more enjoyable. People with a positive attitude are more likely to stand back up after falling down. Respect, positive attitude and self-discipline are some of the main principles that are encouraged by Better Families.

Miami Tae Kwon Do instructors are fully committed to their students throughout their development. Master Mary Beth Klock Perez and Grand Master Diego Perez oversee everything along with encouragement and offering a lending hand. We like to show our appreciation for students and their families to trust us to help develop them.  Students are developed as a martial artist, athlete, student, friend and family member.

Keep Up with Classes on Google Calendar

We are always looking for ways to make life easier. This is especially true when it comes to remembering things to do. Most of us are overwhelmed with obligations between school, school, exercising, friends, family, house chores and more. Some of us use Google calendar to help remind us about things we have to do through the day and week. Google helps us by sending a reminder before the event. This calendar is completely customizable with however you want to use it. People who use Google can easily say how it has made their lives easier.

This is why Better Families is looking to work with Google to make your life easier. Miami Tae Kwon Do school has recently added a Google calendar to their site. This calendar allows you to simply click on an event on it, from there it goes straight in your Google calendar. Better Families wants to offer convenience for their students so that they can be reminded about classes. People spend much stress and effort about trying to remember something such as Miami Tae Kwon Do classes. This feature allows students to be one click away from Better Families events being added to their Google calendar. People will not have to copy/paste or write in events on their calendar.

Students will also be able to be updated on weekly scheduling from the Better Families site. This will save students from showing up on a day that the Miami Tae Kwon Do school happens to be closed. Students and parents will appreciate this feature, as it is helpful and will create convenience. Everyone can use some convenience into his or her daily routine. Keep up with classes on Google Calendar on the Better Families website.

In the Spotlight: Grand Master Diego Perez

Better Families wants to highlight the one and only Grand Master Diego Perez. He is an 8th degree black who has practiced martial arts for over four decade. At a young age he was a largely accomplished martial artists. Over twenty years ago Diego was honored as the youngest person to earn the rank of Master in Jhoon Rhee System. Jhoon Rhee is the grand master who brought Tae Kwon Do over to America from Korea. Grand Master Perez was an undefeated Caribbean champion in musical forms and full contact fighting. Diego has accomplished more at a young age than many have in a lifetime. Outside of martial arts; in addition he has appeared in many television shows and movies. For example he was a part of “ Only the Strong”, “The Crew”, Mortal Contact”, “Transporter 2” and “Drug Wars”.

He was originally from Puerto Rico and moved to America to create the foundation for Better Families. Diego Perez helped the Miami Tae Kwon Do school grow into the business it is today Diego has become a sought after national speaker and martial arts consultant. Grand Master is also an amazing instructor who has produced numerous state, national and world champions. Art of teaching is another skill set within it. Many martial artists have trouble passing on their greatness to other students and instructors. Diego Perez is able to find a champion in each of his students at the Miami Tae Kwon Do school.

Better Families is a school that takes pride in bettering the lives of their students and families. Grand Master Perez helps lead the way to create a positive influence on children and adults everywhere. His wife Master Mary Beth Klock-Perez is the co-owner with him for Better Families. Diego is a great father, role model, instructor and martial artist for children and adults to learn from.

Taking an Intro Class at Better Families

Better Families wishes everyone had a great time for New Years with friends and family. Now is the time when everyone looks to start his or her New Years Resolution. Most of the time everyone’s New Years Resolution is to get healthy and/or in shape. This starts by taking an intro class at the Miami Tae Kwon Do school. This style is a Korean form of martial arts that has been passed down for many generations. Intro will further introduce you to the main ideas and concepts of this style.

Important principle of Better Families will be introduced as well. Two phrases will be emphasized to students and instructors everywhere. Those two phrases are respect and self-discipline; with these one will be a great student, martial artists, family member and friend. Without these two it is very difficult to succeed in life. Showing respect goes a long way with how people treat you, especially adults. People value respect and reward it with a great attitude. Self-discipline is what it takes to be a mature person.

Anyone can get stuff done when they are told to. It is more challenging to get stuff done. Self-discipline is what makes the difference between a 27-year-old girl and a 27-year-old woman. Being an adult is more of a mindset than an age grouping. Intro class will also teach some basic kicks, punches and stances that will be used in the Miami Tae Kwon Do curriculum. Better Families takes pride in their students have great fundamentals. Fundamentals stem from what is learned in the introductory class along with the first few belt rankings. This intro class will set the tone for you as a student and as a person for the year 2013.

Let Better Families Help with Your New Year’s Resolution

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and loved ones yesterday. Now is time to start looking forward to the New Years Eve. Many people are thinking about New Year’s Resolutions to make. These resolutions are usually to be healthier and get in shape. This happens typically most of us are very busy with our daily routines. Some of us are in good shape while others need to put in some work. New Years gives people a refreshing feeling to start of the year right. One great way to help make this happen is by creating good habits with exercising and eating right.

Better Families is a place to start creating habits with exercising. There are classes from Monday through Saturday to participate in Miami Tae Kwon Do. This Tae Kwon Do school also offers additionally exercising classes such as cardio kickboxing, beach training and more. Let Better Families help with your New Year’s Resolution to get in shape. Instructors can help guide and push you in a positive direction to get in better shape. Fellow students will be able to give you that support that you have been looking for. Students from Better Families look to encourage whether it is learning Miami Tae Kwon Do or simply bettering each other. Students from Better Families share the same general goal, to better themselves.

Getting in shape leads to have more energy throughout the day and needing less sleep. Having lots of energy will lead to a positive mindset that will make everything easier. A boost of confidence will happen once someone is in good shape. Positive mindset will lead to good things to come, especially for New Year’s Resolutions.

Better Families Holiday Schedule

Businesses everywhere have a holiday schedule with days off around Christmas. Companies have families that want to spend time with each other. Better Families wants their students to spend time with their families and friends. This is why Better Families is taking off December 24-26. Miami Tae Kwon Do school is also taking off New Years Eve and New Years Day. Everyone deserves a break from his or her daily routine, even martial arts students.

Tae Kwon Do school wants to stay every other day so that students can work on their craft. Best students always want to work when no one else is. Training when most people are not is what makes you stand out from the rest. Instructors will be available everyday Better Families is open in order to lead and assist you. Work on getting your stripes so that you can get your next belt as soon as the next year starts. Holiday season is a great opportunity to show friends and family from out of town what you are capable of doing. Talking about it and showing it off are two completely different things.

It is also important for students to train when they can so that they can stay in shape. Students can easily get out of shape during the holiday season. There are so many activities going on with Christmas events that we forget to take care of ourselves. Holiday parties with food and drinks are happening every week One can very easily get out of shape during the holiday season. Be sure to work out on your own when you’re not in Tae Kwon Do class. Avoid the New Years Resolution that most people do, to get in shape. Get in or stay in shape by taking classes at Better Families this holiday season.

Super Hero T-Shirt Day

Better Families wants to start off by saying our thoughts and prayers are there for everyone and their families involved with the incident. We couldn’t imagine what everyone over there is going through. Best all of us can do is giving our support and cherish our families. Holiday season is up and running, this is the perfect opportunity to do so. Speaking of the holiday season, when we are not Christmas shopping there holiday events everywhere. As a holiday event, or theme; Better Families will be having a Super Hero T-Shirt Day.

Miami Tae Kwon Do school is allowing students to show off their favorite super hero. Everyone has a favorite super hero no matter how old they are. Some people have many favorite super heroes, especially if they are into comics. This day will be a lot of fun for students, especially young ones. Since everyone will be wearing super hero shirts, no one will feel odd or out of place doing so. Better Families wants everyone to feel comfortable with themselves and their interests. There is no reason for people to hide what they like. A number of people keep interests to themselves due to judging from others. Miami Tae Kwon Do school encourages students and everyone else to be comfortable with who they are.

This will be happening for two days for everyone to wear T-shirts of their favorite super heroes. Instructors and older students will also be wearing T-shirts of their favorite super heroes. Better Families wants everyone to cut loose, this theme is one way to do so. Hope everyone is having a great time this holiday season with family and friends.

December 14 Graduation at 7pm

This Friday Better Families will be hosting a graduation ceremony for the month of December. Mark it on your calendars, December 14 at 7pm. Graduating students and parents are encouraged to show up at 6:30 so that the ceremony can start at 7. It is always best to come early in order to be fully prepared. Some students like to come early in order to get a grasp about what to do for graduation.

This event is to celebrate students who have graduated from one belt ranking to another. Miami Tae Kwon Do school uses this ceremony in order to bring positive reinforcement to students and parents. Some parents have the opportunity to watch their children train while others do not. This ceremony gives an opportunity for students to show their parents everything they have learned. Better Families invites extra family and friends of students who want to be there for that student. This gives Better Families the opportunity to show people Miami Tae Kwon Do who are unfamiliar with the style. Graduation ceremony will also provide a performance by instructors of Better Families. Ceremony will be both a graduation and an entertainment show. People will get to see and meet students, instructors and masters of the Miami Tae Kwon Do school. For those who have never been to a graduation before, take advantage of this opportunity to see event like you’ve never seen before.

Members of the Better Families are friendly people who are easy to approach for any questions about the martial arts. Whether you are a student, student’s friend or family member; look to support our fellow students graduating this Friday. They have worked really hard to get where they are in order to graduate to the next belt. It is satisfying to have your friends and family there for you in order to share such a great moment.


Better Families Programs for Children, Youth and Adults


Programs for children who are youth and adults are available at Better Families. This Miami Tae Kwon Do school does not exclude youths or adults. Many martial arts schools tend to target exclusively adult or youth. Most tae kwon do schools have programs to youths, as they are generally the most interested in martial arts. Better Families does not assume that adult do not want to participate as well. This martial arts school has students within all range of ages. Any student who is mentally or physically able to perform is welcome to join.

Even though who may be a little behind on attributes will be helped along the way to develop their traits. Students should always look to improve themselves whether they are a 15-year-old boy or a 4-year-old woman. There is always room for improvement no matter what. People can always get stronger, faster and more flexible. Most people are not flexible enough as a lot of people have trouble touching their toes. This Miami Tae Kwon Do school offers programs to all ages for all levels. A student can be any age when starting Tae Kwon Do. Even really young children who have trouble with physically ability and coordination can join in order to develop themselves. Students can begin at a very young age in order to start developing mental toughness.

Children who do martial arts at a young age tend to be physically and mentally sharper than the rest. Students at Better Families are taught self-discipline so that they can take action themselves. Better Families wants students to take action themselves in order to make things happened whether they are young or adults. One cannot be too young or old in order to start programs at Better Families. Anyone who is looking to improve himself or herself are welcome to join in on programs from this Tae Kwon Do school.

Better Families Winter Show December 14th, 2012

Winter season has started as the temperature as dropping and the weather in perfect here in South Florida. Many families are continuing with their Christmas shopping and making plans for holiday events. There are many events for the holidays as family and friends are coming in from out of town. Better Families is holding a holiday event of their own. The Miami Tae Kwon Do school will be hosting a winter show next Friday December 14th, 2012.

This event will feature graduating students who will be going from one rank to the next. These graduating students will be doing a performance to show what they have learned. Graduating students’ parents will be present in order to share their child’s accomplishment. Most graduations have instructors and sometimes students give a performance for family and friends to enjoy. This winter event will be special as the performance will be larger with more events and flashiness. Sometimes they will dress up for the holiday season or have colors matching the Christmas season. Everyone is invited whether your friend or family member is graduating or not. Better Families wants everyone to come over whether you are a Miami Tae Kwon Do student or not. There are many events to take part of this holiday season; Better Families Winter Show is one that you should not miss out on.

Better Families wants everyone to have a good time and enjoy the holiday season. Be sure to relax and have a good time by taking advantage of all the events available. Many friends and family will be coming in town to spend time with you. As a reminder, make sure you are being healthy by regularly exercising and eating good food whenever you can.