Better Families Weekend Schedule

Better Families is a family Miami Tae Kwon Do school that understands the value of weekends. Many families exhaust themselves throughout the week between school, work, activities and other responsibilities. Some families may want to take the weekend off while others are much more active. There are students who want to take classes whenever given the opportunities. Better Families gives everyone the opportunity to take classes along with time off to enjoy the week.

Friday is an early day as the last class ends roughly an hour earlier than the rest of the weekdays. This day is when Better Families holds graduation ceremonies. Classes will end early so that parents can come over and watch their children graduate to the next ranking. Saturday is a day that starts and ends early so that parents can enjoy most of the day. Classes start at 9AM instead of 3PM, as most people do not have school or working in the morning. Birthday parties and other events are available on Saturday as the last class ends at 2PM. Weekends at Better Families are days in which there is flexibility for graduation ceremonies, parties, events, classes and tournaments. Sunday is the one day that Better Families is closed. Everyone has family that they should spend time with. Occasionally birthday parties are available for parents who want to have a Miami Tae Kwon Do birthday party on that day.

Better Families takes advantage of weekends in order to get many activities done for students and their families to enjoy. Weekends are also when the competition goes to tournaments to show what the Miami Tae Kwon Do school is all about. There are a variety of activities to choose from during a Better Families weekend.

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