Better Families Through Tae Known Do is open from Monday through Saturday. The Miami Tae Kwon Do opens during the week, as schools are finishing. Classes from Monday through Thursday ends the last class around 8:30 PM. The last class Friday ends at 6:30PM so that events such as graduation can be available afterwards. Saturday the Miami Tae Kwon Do School is open from 9AM to 1PM. On Saturdays after 1PM the martial arts school provides scheduled availability for private birthday parties. Sundays are one day of the week in which Better Families is not available.
The first class during the week starts at 3:25 as the younger children leave school earlier. Better Families provides a Tiny Dragons program that involves children as young as four years old. Tiny Dragons is for young children to learn discipline, respect, and coordinate along with the Miami Tae Kwon Do curriculum. Tiny Dragons class is the first class on Mondays and Wednesdays as Little Dragons is the first class for Tuesdays and Thursdays. The next class on Mondays and Wednesdays is for the Little Dragons that includes older children that are older than the Tiny Dragons. Monday’s classes are the same as Wednesdays as Tuesday’s classes are the same as Thursday classes. This set up keeps form stability while bringing a good change up for students to experience. Friday’s classes are for those who want to exclusively work on their stripes in order to rank to the next level along with training for mid level belts. Saturday classes involve training for belts of all levels along with training for the Better Families Competition and Demo Team.
The Better Families Weekly Schedule is a consistent schedule that comes with plenty of flexibility for extra activities for the Miami Tae Kwon Do School.