School Policy

Dojang Protocol

  1. Arrive early to prepare for class (card, belt, gear and warm -up).
  2. Bow when entering or leaving the Dojang (practice area) as a symbol of respect.
  3. Chewing gum in the Dojang.
  4. Wear proper uniform, patches included.
  5. No shoes on the class floor of the Dojang.
  6. Ask an instructor before using any of the equipment. 
  7. If you must leave the training area, please let an instructor know first for safety purposes
  8. Parents, please keep siblings and small children from practice area.
  9. Late to class protocol:
    1. Do not panic.
    2. If accompanied by a parent, allow them to get your class card and hold on to it until the end of class. 
    3. Join the class quietly and follow along as well as possible. When the instructor is able to address you, you will be instructed.

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