Stay Fit this Spring with Tae Kwon Do Lessons

Those of us in shape are always finding ways to stay in shape. Sometimes staying in shape can be just as if not more difficult than getting into shape. Spring is the time of year to enjoy the outdoors as there are opportunities to exercise outside. Some people prefer to not work out outdoors for various reasons. Intense sun exposure can be too much for many people as they made get cramps or migraines. Those who do not enjoy working out in the outdoors should work out indoors. Tae Kwon Do lessons are available for those who want to work out indoors to stay in shape.
Even those who enjoy working out outside may want to do Tae Kwon Do for a change of pace. Miami Tae Kwon Do keeps students entertained with martial while getting in shape. Better Families encourages to stay healthy and be in shape. People are not in as good of shape as they want to be can take Tae Kwon Do lessons to get there. Taking classes at Better Families distract students from the fact they are working out as they are enjoying themselves. Best form of working out is an activity that keeps the mind busy.
Exercising without a purpose becomes boring and after a while the person will stop doing it. It’s been proven that athletes in sports do not notice how much work they are putting in when they are enjoying themselves. Students from Better Families are great athletes that are capable of excelling in multiple sports and martial arts. Better Families program helps students improve their speed, strength, stamina, flexibility, balance ad body control. All features are important for the body so that a person can have a long and healthy life.

Karate or Tae Kwon Do?

This argument is often made between martial artists and others who are interested in the styles. Generally many people mistake karate for being martial arts in general. Karate is actually Japanese martial arts with powerful basics. Term karate is often misused in order to draw students to their school with its kung fu, tae kwon do or any other style. Karate comes from Japan and Tae Kwon Do originates from Korea. Tae Kwon Do is about fundamentals as well focusing on kicks. Any martial artist can tell you how Tae Kwon Do students are great kickers. One major difference between Tae Kwon Do and Karate is the use of weapons.
Students from a Tae Kwon Do school use weaponless defense. Both styles put an emphasis on respect and discipline. Many parents sign their children up for martial arts for the discipline aspect of it. Karate and Tae Kwon Do both helps students with succeeding in other sports. Miami Tae Kwon Do school goes a step further by helping students succeed in the classroom and socially. Succeeding in the classroom along with peers and family is critical for a stable life. Better Families is the Miami Tae Kwon Do school that focuses on self-discipline where students behave correctly on their own.
Adults do not need others to tell them what is right, might as well set this habit early. Self-discipline is what adults eventually have to learn in order to be successful in life. One major aspect that separates adults from children is self-discipline. Tae Kwon Do has settle differences from karate in terms of fundamentals and principles; Better Families takes the next step further. Miami Tae Kwon Do school looks to take everything good that Tae Kwon Do has to offer along with additional concepts. Two major concepts to Better Families is respect and self-discipline.

Leave a Review on Better Families Through Tae Kwon Do

Better Families is looking to expand even further on the web with the Google+ business page. Miami Tae Kwon Do school has been very active with online sources. The Tae Kwon Do school blogs throughout the week for students and other followers. Facebook posts and tweets from Twitter are done on a daily basis. This Better Families school is very active in the internet marketing business. Offline marketing is no longer what it used to be as less people read the newspaper and magazines than before.

People still view billboards as an influence but the cost is not worth the reward. Radio commercials still work to a small extent as many people use ipods and satellite radio without advertisement. Everything is done online whether at home, work and everywhere in between through mobile devices. It’s difficult to find someone who does not have internet access. More people have mobile devices with internet access than ever as it’s rare to find someone without a smart phone.

Martial arts schools market themselves by having a great reputation and rely on word to mouth. Having a good reputation itself is not enough as others businesses are going at all angles. Miami Tae Kwon Do school has a Google+ business page you can find when searching for local martial arts schools in Miami. This business page provides information about the Miami Tae Kwon Do school along with the option to place a reviews. Reviews are important, as they will be shown on Google searches. Positive reviews tells everyone on the web how one enjoyed their experience at Better Families. Be sure to check out the Better Families business page and leave a review.


Stay Fit with Better Families Through Tae Kwon Do

Staying fit is very important whether it’s for developing young children or those who have been grown up. Being fit helps avoid injuries along with giving the body energy. Body full of energy leads to a positive mindset as one will not be as tired. It’s difficult to find a negative person that is full of energy as most people in shape are happy. There are exceptions to everything but those people are very rare. Being fit also masks many health ailments as an active body with fight off various diseases or viruses. Getting fit is highly desired in this country considering our obesity rate.

One easy way to stay fit is with Better Families Through Tae Kwon Do. It’s easy to stay fit while participating in a fun activity. Many people do not enjoy exercising due to the lack of fun that is involved with it. Learning martial arts is a lot of fun for family and friends to be a part of. Miami Tae Kwon Do program is about learning self-defense, self-discipline, respect, technique and overall athletic ability. Students from Better Families gain speed, strength, body control and flexibility. Speed can be used for all sports including exercising. Flexibility helps avoid injuries along with creating more speed. Strength is developed through push ups and leg exercises along with overall body strength.

Many exercises in Miami Tae Kwon Do involve the entire body include the core for balance. Body control is learned while taking part in Tae Kwon Do by holding on to kicks and stances. Most classes start with some light exercising to get the body moving before learning techniques. Tae Kwon Do classes are done with a large group of people with an instructor to lead. This system allows people to be encouraged by others and led by an instructor. Better Families program is all about positive attitude with everyone in the Tae Kwon Do school. Positive reinforcement encourages people to do a better job and enjoy what they are doing.

Happy Easter from Better Families

Better Families Through Tae Kwon Do staff hopes everyone is having a great Easter. Out martial arts school is all about family and today is one just for that. Family members gather whether it’s aunts, cousins, uncles or grandparents. This holiday is for young children as they run around searching for eggs. Many eggs are plastic providing prizes the kids. Some families spend all weekend coloring eggs and preparing for this big day. So often our families do not spend enough quality time with each other.

Easter is a wonderful opportunity for family members to spend time with each other. Children are running around looking for eggs and potentially prizes while elders are sitting back enjoying themselves. This holiday is a great opportunity for family members to catch up over lost time. Most of us have no gathered since Christmas or New Years celebration. These days all of us are so busy with the daily routine and forget to make time for each other. Best part of holidays is simply family gathering together enjoying each other’s company.

Even though some children grow out of Easter Egg hunting, family members still gather to watch the younger ones hunt for eggs. Miami Tae Kwon Do will be closed along with many stores around Miami. Better Families is regularly closed on Sundays for occasions such as Easter. Some families will be going to church in the morning in order to celebrate Jesus’s resurrection. Regardless of your religion, this holiday is about family. Be sure to have a great time and make an effort to spend more time with each other. We will see many of tomorrow to get back at it again. Enjoy your day and have a wonderful time with your family.

Stop by The Shop at Better Families

Be sure to check out the gift shop that is at Better Families Through Tae Kwon Do. Miami Tae Kwon Do school features some of the newest and up to date martial arts gear around. Represent your favorite martial arts school with Better Families T shirts. Tae Kwon Do school enjoys changing the design of their shirt every so often. Logo has changed from time to time, but everyone sees it knows what that logo represents. There are many colors to choose from with red, green, orange, yellow, black, blue and white.

Sparring gear is available conveniently at the Miami Tae Kwon Do school for those who are interested in sparring. Gear for sparring include gloves, feet covering and head protection. Some head protection also has a visor to protect the eyes. Many students use chest protection as well. Depending on the student, they may choose a softer or hard chest piece. Better Families will be sure to order any item you would want if they do not have it. Better Families is present immediately when you walk in through the front door. Students from Better Families enjoy representing their school by wearing Miami Tae Kwon Do gear.

Friends and family are welcome to check our selection of martial arts gear. It’s not uncommon for family members of students to purchase Better Families t-shirts. Any item or gear that is needed for the Tae Kwon Do school is available at the Better Families store. There are also long sleeve shirts and sweaters available. For some reason the weather is still colder than our liking. What better way to stay warm than by wearing one of our Better Families sweaters? Represent and bring attention to the school by wearing one of our sweaters.


Time to Start Thinking About Summer Camp – Give Us a Call

It’s never too early to start thinking about plans for the summer. Those of us who work all day with children to take care of always must think ahead. Summer is vacation for children but isn’t for most of us. We want our children to be somewhere safe during the day while we are working. There are many summer camps to choose from but none like Better Families summer camp. The Miami TaeKwonDo summer camp has been around for over 20 years with a great reputation. Children a part of the Better Families summer camp take part in fun activities throughout the week. Lunch break is provided halfway into the day wherever the camp is present.

Trips including horseback riding, water park sliding, roller skating and more. When the Better Families summer camp is not taking trips, they are providing activities in the Miami Tae Kwon Do school. Activities include learning Tae Kwon Do and other fun game. One popular game in the Tae Kwon Do school is dodge pad. This game is a very fun and safe activity that children enjoy being a part of. Two throwers are on each side as they are attempting to land their pad on everyone in the middle. Dodge pad is a safe game as the pad being thrown is a soft material. Instructors and other camp counselors find creative ways to entertain the children in summer camp.

Give us a call today and find out more about our Better Families summer camp program. We are already signing up children today for the summer camp program. Sometimes we run out of room for summer camp, as it is a very popular program from Better Families. Sign up today to have your children at the Better Families summer camp while you’re working during the day.

Congratulations to Our Graduating Students!

Last Friday Better Families hosted another successful graduation ceremony. Every month the MiamiTaeKwonDo school hosts a graduation ceremony for students graduating from one belt to the next. Students work really hard in orer to graduate to the next belts. Miami Tae Kwon Do students attend classes 2-3 times a week, sometimes more often. The martial arts students are then tested to earn stripes. Each stripe represents a set of techniques that a student has learned. After completing all the stripes, a student is then qualified to start the graduation process.

One last step that Better Families requires is a form fill out by both parents and teachers. This form is to ensure that students are doing a great job at home and in the classroom. Miami Tae Kwon Do school wants their students to be successful in the dojo, at home and in the classroom. Better Families is all about bettering the lives of students and their families. Once a student has earned their entire stripe along with the form filled out with positive remarks, the graduation process begins. At a date is set on a Friday night so that family and friends can attend. This is done so that students can show everyone they have learned throughout the weeks.

Ceremony provides a show with graduating students performing along with the instructors. Graduation event is a wonderful opportunity for family and friends to interact with instructors. Better Families instructors welcome any questions about the Miami TaeKwonDo school. The recent graduation was no different than any other as everyone had a great time. Graduation is about celebrating an accomplishment the student as made with many more to come. Be sure to join us next month when we graduate another set a wonderful students.

A Brief Bio of Better Families Instructors

Miami Tae Kwon Do Better Families hopes everyone enjoyed their weekend. St. Patty’s Day must have made this weekend a fun one for friends and family. There is nothing more entertaining than watching both Miami Heat and Miami Hurricanes doing so well. Better Families is a huge supporter of local sports, especially the University of Miami as the Miami Tae Kwon Do school resides in Coral Gables. Today the Tae Kwon Do school will be giving a brief overview of Better Families instructors. Tae Kwon Do instructors consist of Grand Master Diego Perez,

Master Mary Beth Klock-Perez, Master Karen Klock-Perez and Mr. Liduan Mendez. These instructors have had many years of experience in martial arts and teaching it to others. Master Mary Beth Klock-Perez is the founder and director of Better Families as she opened the school over 20 years ago. She is a 5th degree black belt in the Jhoon Rhee who brought Tae Kwon Do from Korea to the United States. Shortly after Grand Master Diego Perez joined as they both taught the school for years before receiving help with other instructors. Grand Master is a well-accomplished martial artist who continues to grow his name and reputation.

Diego Perez is an 8th degree black belt as he is the highest ranked martial artist of the school. Daughter of Diego and Mary Beth is Master Karen Klock-Perez. Karen was raised in a martial arts school, as Tae Kwon Do has been her entire life. Karen is a very highly skilled, knowledge, talented and energetic instructor who is currently the heat instructor. Mr. Liduan Mendez is another talent instructor that many students look up to as a mentor. Liduan is a 3rd degree black belt who is well known for his success as a student athlete, martial artists, instructor and overall role model. All instructors at Better Families are well-accomplished martial artists with the ability to teach others.


Getting Ready for Graduation this Month at Better Families

March is another month of the year in which Better Families will be hosting a graduation ceremony. Every month the Miami Tae Kwon Do school hosts a graduation ceremony for students who have advanced to the next belt ranking. Students are required to earn all stripes from their previous belt before testing to graduation to their next belt. Testing in order to graduate to the next belt is not an easy task as everyone works hard to pass his or her test.

Belt ranking test involves students showing what they have learned by performing the entire belt curriculum on their own without assistance. Instructor will evaluate the testing students and decide whether he or she is ready to graduate or not. Miami Tae Kwon Do students are also required to fill out a form signed by both parents and teachers. Both parents and teachers have to write how respectful their student/child is before graduating. This is important for Better Families, as we want students who excel in the dojo, home and classroom. Better Families students have a great reputation as they look to improve themselves on a daily basis.

Tae Kwon Do school does not encourage students to use their martial arts on others. A student should only use their martial arts in a defensive situation. This ceremony is for students to celebrate their accomplishment with family and friends. Both instructors and students perform for visiting family and friends present at graduation. Graduating students will be able to show off everything they have learned. This ceremony is done every month on a Friday after earlier classes. Graduation for March is this Friday as we encourage everyone to show up and have a great time.